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Conscious Business
360 pages, 2013
Conscious Businesses are more aware of the individuals, communities, and organizations they serve. Conscious Businesses seek to promote the intelligent pursuit of happiness in all their stakeholders. Conscious Businesses seek to produce sustainable, exceptional performance through the solidarity of their community and the dignity of each member.
Conscious Business presents breakthrough techniques to help you achieve: Unconditional responsibility―how to become the main character of your lifeUnflinching integrity―how to succeed beyond successAuthentic communication―how to speak your truth and elicit others truthsImpeccable commitments―how to coordinate actions with accountability right leadership―how being, rather than doing, is the ultimate source of business excellence conscious business fosters personal fulfillment in the individuals, mutual respect in the community, and success in the organization.
Fred Kofman emphasizes the importance of being aware of our actions and decisions in business. He suggests that by being conscious of our choices, we can create a more positive and productive work environment. It's worth exploring how you can apply this in your own professional life.
Kofman encourages us to take full responsibility for our actions. He believes that by doing so, we can learn from our mistakes and grow both personally and professionally. Check out how you can implement this in your daily routine.
In Conscious Business, effective communication is highlighted as a key to success. Kofman suggests that clear, honest, and respectful communication can lead to better relationships and improved business outcomes. See how you can improve your communication skills.
Kofman stresses the importance of integrity in business. He argues that being honest and ethical not only makes you a better person, but also contributes to a healthier business environment. It's worth researching how you can uphold integrity in your work.
In his book, Kofman explores the concept of emotional intelligence. He believes that understanding and managing our emotions can lead to better decision-making and improved relationships in the workplace. Take a look at how you can enhance your emotional intelligence.
Quotes 5
Conscious Business is a profound book that radically changed my perspective about leadership and success in the professional world.
Fred Kofman's Conscious Business has the potential to reshape how we think about work and create companies that truly serve people.
Conscious Business presents a groundbreaking new approach to business that can transform individual lives and society.
Conscious Business is a powerful tool for achieving both personal fulfillment and professional success.
Fred Kofman's Conscious Business is a remarkable contribution to the evolving paradigm of business as a tool for personal transformation.