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Condemned to Repetition

448 pages, 1988


The new epilogue to Condemned to Repetition covers events, such as the Arias peace plan and the debate over funding for the Contras, from August 1987 through February 1988.

Understanding the U.S. Foreign Policy

In 'Condemned to Repetition', Robert A. Pastor explores the U.S. foreign policy, particularly towards Latin America. He digs into the historical patterns and mistakes, giving us a chance to learn from them.

The Importance of Learning from History

Pastor emphasizes the importance of learning from history. He believes that if we don't, we're 'condemned to repetition'. This is a great reminder for us to always look back and learn from our past mistakes.

Insight into Latin American Politics

If you're interested in Latin American politics, this book is a must-read. Pastor provides a deep research into the U.S. interventions in the region, helping us understand the complex dynamics at play.

The Role of the U.S. in Latin America

Pastor takes a critical look at the role of the U.S. in Latin America. He explores the consequences of U.S. interventions, giving us a chance to see the impact of these actions on the region.

A Call for Change in U.S. Foreign Policy

In 'Condemned to Repetition', Pastor calls for a change in U.S. foreign policy. He believes that the U.S. needs to learn from its past mistakes and adopt a more constructive approach towards Latin America.


authorNoam Chomsky, educator and scientist, Recommending BestBooks

Noam Chomsky


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