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Computer Lib

153 pages, 1987


Nelson writes strongly about the need for people to understand computers more deeply than just the basics, such as identifying different hardware and software. He was against the centralization of computers by IBM at the time and what he saw as the intentional lies computer people told to non-computer people to protect them from being "hackers"--people who hacked into computer systems.

 In his book, Dream Machines, Nelson covers the flexible-media potential of computers, which was quite shocking at that time.

Demystifying Computers

Ted Nelson believes that everyone should understand computers, not just the tech-savvy. He encourages us to explore the world of computers and not be intimidated by them. This book is a great starting point to dig into the basics of computing.

The Power of Interactivity

Nelson emphasizes the importance of interactivity in computing. He suggests that computers should be tools for creativity and interaction, not just for crunching numbers. So, take a look at how you're using your computer - are you making the most of its interactive potential?

Vision of Hypertext

One of the most fascinating parts of Computer Lib is Nelson's vision of hypertext - a system where documents are interconnected through links. This concept, which he pioneered, is now the foundation of the internet. It's worth researching more about this groundbreaking idea.

Critique of Computer Industry

Nelson isn't afraid to critique the computer industry. He argues that it's often too complex and inaccessible for the average person. If you're frustrated with the tech world, you'll find a kindred spirit in Nelson.

Call to Action

Computer Lib is more than just a book - it's a call to action. Nelson wants us to take control of our digital lives and not be passive consumers. So, check out this book if you're ready to take a more active role in the digital world.

Quotes 5

Ted Nelson's 'Computer Lib' is a beacon of light in the realm of computer science. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the field.

Douglas EngelbartDouglas Engelbart - Invented Computer Mouse

Nelson's 'Computer Lib' is a seminal work that has shaped the way we think about computers and their potential.

Alan KayAlan Kay - Pioneered Personal Computing

'Computer Lib' by Ted Nelson is a visionary work that has greatly influenced the development of the World Wide Web.

Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-Lee - Invented World Wide Web

Ted Nelson's 'Computer Lib' is a thought-provoking book that challenges conventional thinking about computers.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Co-founded Microsoft

Nelson's 'Computer Lib' is a revolutionary book that has inspired many in the tech industry, including myself.

Steve JobsSteve Jobs - Co-founded Apple
Douglas EngelbartAlan KayTim Berners-LeeBill GatesSteve Jobs


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Patrick Collison
