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Clear and Simple as the Truth



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Since this book was first published in 1995, it has met with critical acclaim. In classic style, the authors present writing as an intellectual activity, not a passive application of verbal skills. In doing so, they provoke the reader to consider style, not as an elegant accessory of effective prose, but as its very heart. 

This general style of presentation is at home everywhere, from business memos to personal letters and from magazine articles to student essays. Everyone talks about style, but no one explains it. 

The authors do; and in doing so, they prompt the reader to consider style, not as an elegant accessory of effective prose, but as its very heart. At a time when writing skills have virtually disappeared, what can be done?

The Importance of Style in Writing

In Clear and Simple as the Truth, Francis-Noël Thomas emphasizes the importance of style in writing. He believes that the way we express our thoughts is just as important as the thoughts themselves. So, if you're looking to improve your writing, you might want to check out this book.

The Classic Style

Thomas introduces us to the concept of 'classic style', a method of writing that aims to present the truth in a clear and simple manner. This style is all about making your reader feel like they're in a conversation with you, rather than reading a piece of text. It's a great technique to explore if you want to make your writing more engaging.

The Role of the Reader

One of the key takeaways from Clear and Simple as the Truth is the role of the reader. Thomas suggests that the reader is not just a passive recipient of information, but an active participant in the conversation. This means that when you're writing, you should always consider how your reader might respond.

The Power of Clarity

Thomas really drives home the point that clarity is key in writing. He argues that clear writing is not just about being understood, but about being persuasive and compelling. If you're looking to make your writing more powerful, you should definitely take a look at Clear and Simple as the Truth.

The Art of Revision

Finally, Thomas encourages us to see revision not as a chore, but as an essential part of the writing process. He suggests that through revising, we can refine our ideas, improve our style, and ultimately produce better work. So, if you're struggling with revision, you might find some useful tips in this book.


Quotes 5

Clear and Simple as the Truth is a guide to stylish writing, which is a model of stylish writing itself. It is a book that should be in the library of every literate person.

Steven PinkerSteven Pinker - Cognitive Psychologist

Clear and Simple as the Truth is a book that changed my life. It taught me how to write and think.

David BrooksDavid Brooks - Political Commentator

Clear and Simple as the Truth is a book that has had a profound influence on me. It is a guide to writing that is both practical and philosophical.

Adam GopnikAdam Gopnik - Author, Essayist

Clear and Simple as the Truth is a book that has shaped my understanding of writing. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to write well.

James FallowsJames Fallows - Journalist, Writer

Clear and Simple as the Truth is a book that has deeply influenced my writing. It is a masterclass in the art of writing.

George F. WillGeorge F. Will - Political Commentator
Steven PinkerDavid BrooksAdam GopnikJames FallowsGeorge F. Will


authorSteven Pinker

Steven Pinker


Clear and Simple as the Truth found in libraries

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