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272 pages, 2010


Do you believe ads, slogans, phrases or jingles influence our buying decisions? BUYOLOGY presents eye-grabbing findings from a cutting-edge experiment that peered inside the brains of 2,000 volunteers from all around the world as they encountered various ads, logos, commercials, brands and products.

The Power of Subliminal Advertising

In Buyology, Martin Lindstrom explores the fascinating world of subliminal advertising. He reveals how companies use hidden messages in their ads to influence our buying decisions. You might not even realize it, but these subtle cues can have a big impact on what you choose to buy.

The Role of Emotions in Buying Decisions

Lindstrom's research in the book shows that our emotions play a huge role in our buying decisions. We often think we're making rational choices, but in reality, our feelings are pulling the strings. So next time you're shopping, take a moment to check in with your emotions.

The Influence of Senses on Purchasing Behavior

Ever wondered why certain smells or sounds make you want to buy something? Lindstrom digs into this in Buyology, explaining how our senses can be powerful triggers for purchasing behavior. It's a fascinating look into how companies use sensory marketing to their advantage.

The Impact of Branding on Consumer Choices

Buyology also explores the power of branding. Lindstrom shows how strong brands can create a sense of loyalty and trust, influencing our buying decisions. It's a reminder to be aware of the brands you're loyal to and to question why you choose them over others.

The Effectiveness of Product Placement

In the book, Lindstrom takes a look at the effectiveness of product placement in movies and TV shows. He finds that this subtle form of advertising can be incredibly powerful, often influencing our buying decisions without us even realizing it. It's a fascinating insight into the world of advertising and consumer behavior.

Quotes 5

Buyology brilliantly illuminates the fascinating, and often infuriating, world of consumer behavior.

Paco UnderhillPaco Underhill - Environmental Psychologist

Buyology is a bombshell of a book that will be a wake-up call to everyone who thinks they understand how marketing works.

Robert B. CialdiniRobert B. Cialdini - Psychology Professor

Buyology is a fascinating journey into the mind of today's consumer that will change the way you think about marketing.

Daniel H. PinkDaniel H. Pink - Bestselling Author

Buyology is a smart, fun, and insightful tour of the new brain science of buying.

Chip HeathChip Heath - Business Professor

Buyology presents a groundbreaking exploration of how our brains respond to the onslaught of branding and marketing messages.

Dan ArielyDan Ariely - Behavioral Economist
Paco UnderhillRobert B. CialdiniDaniel H. PinkChip HeathDan Ariely



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