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Bull by the Horns

432 pages, 2012


Sheila Bair was the first to acknowledge the full risk of subprime loans and one of the first people to take over as head of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Early in her tenure at FDIC, she was probably better known for her position at the agency than for anything she did there. 

However, now she is at the center of the economic crisis, speeding up the takeover of any banks that fail and pressing mortgage companies to make it easier for people to get loans.

The Importance of Financial Regulation

In 'Bull by the Horns', Sheila Bair emphasizes the importance of strong financial regulation. She believes that the lack of proper oversight was a major factor in the 2008 financial crisis. If you're interested in finance or economics, you'll want to explore her insights on this topic.

The Role of Big Banks

Bair takes a critical look at the role of big banks in the financial crisis. She argues that their risky behavior and lack of accountability contributed to the economic downturn. If you're curious about the inner workings of the banking industry, this book will give you a lot to think about.

The Power of Transparency

One of the key points in 'Bull by the Horns' is the power of transparency. Bair believes that if banks and financial institutions were more open about their practices, the financial crisis could have been mitigated or even prevented. This is a great book to check out if you're interested in corporate ethics and transparency.

The Need for Personal Responsibility

Sheila Bair also discusses the need for personal responsibility in the financial sector. She argues that individuals within banks and financial institutions need to be held accountable for their actions. If you're looking for a book that digs into the ethics of finance, 'Bull by the Horns' is a must-read.

The Impact of Politics on Finance

In 'Bull by the Horns', Bair explores the impact of politics on finance. She suggests that political influence and lobbying can often lead to lax financial regulation, which can have disastrous consequences. If you're interested in the intersection of politics and finance, you'll want to take a look at this book.

Quotes 5

Sheila Bair's 'Bull by the Horns' is a must-read. It's a riveting account of the financial crisis, and her tough-minded approach is a lesson in leadership.

Warren BuffetWarren Buffet - Investment Guru

Bair's 'Bull by the Horns' is a compelling narrative of the financial crisis. Her insights and perspective are invaluable.

Ben BernankeBen Bernanke - Former Fed Chair

Sheila Bair's book is a clear-eyed, hard-hitting account of the financial crisis. It's a must-read for anyone interested in finance and economics.

Paul VolckerPaul Volcker - Economic Policymaker

'Bull by the Horns' is a powerful, insightful book. Bair's leadership during the crisis was commendable.

Janet YellenJanet Yellen - Economist, Professor

Sheila Bair's 'Bull by the Horns' is a compelling, insightful account of the financial crisis. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of our financial system.

Joseph StiglitzJoseph Stiglitz - Nobel Laureate
Warren BuffetBen BernankePaul VolckerJanet YellenJoseph Stiglitz


authorNassim Nicholas Taleb, educator and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Nassim Nicholas Taleb


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