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320 pages, 2019


Award-winning journalist Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slow, embarks on a revolutionary new approach to aging. In The Slow Fix: Solve Problems, Work Smarter, and Live Better in a World Addicted to Speed , he draws on the latest research and a lifetime of experience to explore the new idea that aging is an option like any other. Not something we passively undergo but an adventure we actively choose. We are no longer bound by tradition--we can choose how we age. 

To soothe our anxieties around growing older, we need big structural changes: tearing up the old script that locks us into devoting the early part of our lives to education, the middle chunk to working and raising kids, and whatever is left at the end for leisure.  

Instead, Honoré argues, we will have to dissolve these silos--to reinvent and restructure our lives in radical ways in order to make room for a radically different way of viewing later life. 

Embrace Aging

In Bolder, Carl Honoré encourages us to see aging as a positive process. He argues that getting older doesn't mean becoming irrelevant or less capable. Instead, it's a chance to gain wisdom, experience, and a fresh perspective on life. So, let's stop fearing age and start embracing it!

Challenge Ageism

Ageism is a real issue that Honoré tackles head-on in his book. He urges us to challenge the stereotypes and prejudices associated with aging. By doing so, we can create a society that values and respects people of all ages.

Stay Active

Staying physically and mentally active is a key theme in Bolder. Honoré shares research that shows how important it is to keep moving and learning as we age. So, why not take up a new hobby or start a fitness routine? It's never too late to start!

Redefine Retirement

Retirement doesn't have to mean slowing down. In fact, Honoré suggests that it can be a time of exploration and growth. He encourages us to redefine retirement as a time to pursue passions, learn new skills, and make a difference in our communities.

Celebrate Life

Above all, Bolder is a celebration of life at every age. Honoré reminds us that every stage of life has its own beauty and value. So, let's celebrate life, no matter how old we are!

Quotes 5

Bolder is a compelling manifesto against ageism. It changed my perspective on aging.

Richard BransonRichard Branson - Business magnate, Philanthropist

Bolder is a wake-up call for society. It's a powerful argument against the stereotypes of aging.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Author, Businesswoman

Bolder is a thought-provoking exploration of our cultural attitudes towards aging. It's a must-read.

Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell - Journalist, Author

Bolder is a transformative book that challenges the norms of aging. It's a game-changer.

Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra - Spiritual Guru, Author

Bolder is a revolutionary book that redefines aging. It's a powerful tool for change.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO, Author
Richard BransonArianna HuffingtonMalcolm GladwellDeepak ChopraSheryl Sandberg


authorArianna Huffington, entrepreneur and journalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Arianna Huffington
