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288 pages, 1985


In his highly acclaimed collection of stories, Julio Cortazar explores the boundary between reality and imagination. The still-unfolding story of Blow-Up begins when a man stumbles across something while reading that leads him to question his sanity. Is he the victim? Or is he the murderer?

Reality is Subjective

In Blow-Up, Julio Cortázar challenges the reader to question their perception of reality. He suggests that what we perceive as real is often influenced by our personal biases and perspectives. This can be a great reminder to always keep an open mind and not take everything at face value.

The Power of Imagination

Cortázar explores the power of imagination in his book. He shows how it can transform mundane experiences into extraordinary ones. This can inspire you to use your imagination more in your daily life, turning ordinary moments into something special.

The Importance of Details

Blow-Up emphasizes the importance of paying attention to details. Often, the most significant clues in life are hidden in the smallest details. So, next time you're working on a project or solving a problem, remember to look closely at the details.

Life's Uncertainties

The book reminds us that life is full of uncertainties and mysteries. It encourages us to embrace these uncertainties rather than fear them. This can help you become more comfortable with the unknown and see it as an opportunity for growth.

Art's Influence on Perception

Cortázar shows how art can influence our perception of reality. In the book, a photograph leads to a new understanding of an event. This can encourage you to explore different forms of art and see how they can change your perspective on things.


Quotes 5

Cortázar's 'Blow-Up' is a masterpiece that transcends time and space, a work that continues to inspire and provoke thought.

Gabriel Garcia MarquezGabriel Garcia Marquez - Literature, Magic Realism

Julio Cortázar's 'Blow-Up' is a profound exploration of the human condition, a book that challenges and enlightens.

Carlos FuentesCarlos Fuentes - Mexican Novelist

'Blow-Up' is a testament to Cortázar's genius, a book that pushes the boundaries of literature.

Mario Vargas LlosaMario Vargas Llosa - Peruvian Writer

Cortázar's 'Blow-Up' is a book that defies convention, a work that is as thought-provoking as it is innovative.

Isabel AllendeIsabel Allende - Chilean-American Author

'Blow-Up' is a book that challenges the reader, a work that is as complex as it is captivating.

Jorge Luis BorgesJorge Luis Borges - Argentine Writer
Gabriel Garcia MarquezCarlos FuentesMario Vargas LlosaIsabel AllendeJorge Luis Borges



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