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Best Evidence

747 pages, 1980


Critics call John F. Kennedy's assassination fiction, but this well-researched book proves the shocking truth about a conspiracy that reached the highest levels of government. Drawing on new evidence and demonstrating what other authors have overlooked, David Lifton uses his journalistic and analytical skills to piece together the shocking conclusion: that the plot against Kennedy was successful. 

Lifton's obsession with unanswered questions has led him again and again to the best evidence—that the president's body fell into the hands of people who deceived the nation and the world. These people are still at large today, and justice has not been served.

Questioning the Official Narrative

In Best Evidence, David S. Lifton encourages readers to question the official narrative. He presents a compelling argument that the autopsy of President Kennedy was manipulated to hide the truth about his assassination. This book will make you rethink everything you thought you knew about this historical event.

The Importance of Evidence

Lifton's book emphasizes the importance of evidence in uncovering the truth. He meticulously researched and analyzed the autopsy reports, X-rays, and other medical records of President Kennedy. This book will inspire you to look deeper and not take things at face value.

The Power of Independent Research

Best Evidence is a testament to the power of independent research. Lifton wasn't part of any official investigation team, yet he managed to uncover inconsistencies in the autopsy reports that many missed. This book will motivate you to dig deeper and explore topics that interest you.

The Intrigue of Conspiracy Theories

If you're fascinated by conspiracy theories, you'll find Best Evidence intriguing. Lifton presents a theory that the body of President Kennedy was altered between Dallas and Washington to conceal the true nature of his wounds. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to find out more.

Critical Thinking Skills

Reading Best Evidence will help you develop your critical thinking skills. Lifton doesn't just present his findings, he also explains his thought process and the steps he took in his investigation. This book will teach you how to question, research, and analyze information effectively.

Quotes 5

Lifton's 'Best Evidence' is a compelling and thought-provoking examination of the JFK assassination. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the truth behind that tragic day.

Gerald PosnerGerald Posner - Investigative Journalist

David Lifton's 'Best Evidence' is a groundbreaking work that challenges the official narrative of the JFK assassination.

Robert GrodenRobert Groden - JFK Conspiracy Theorist

'Best Evidence' is a meticulously researched book that sheds new light on the JFK assassination. It's a must-read for anyone seeking the truth.

Oliver StoneOliver Stone - Acclaimed Filmmaker

David Lifton's 'Best Evidence' is a significant contribution to the body of literature on the JFK assassination. It's a book that demands attention.

Vincent BugliosiVincent Bugliosi - Prosecutor, Author

'Best Evidence' is a compelling and meticulously researched book that challenges the official narrative of the JFK assassination.

Mark LaneMark Lane - JFK Assassination Researcher
Gerald PosnerRobert GrodenOliver StoneVincent BugliosiMark Lane


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