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Bad Pharma
448 pages, 2013
In reality, drug trials are often profoundly flawed and skewed toward favorable outcomes. Doctors who prescribe everything from antidepressants to cancer drugs to heart medication are not familiar with the research literature about a drug, because much of the research is hidden from them by drug companies.
Much of a doctor's education is funded by the pharmaceutical industry, and those companies have the power to exclude negative data from their reports to the FDA. The organization tasked with approving drugs for public use—the FDA—approves useless drugs, withholding damning data on side effects from doctors and patients alike.
In Bad Pharma, Ben Goldacre uncovers the shocking truth about clinical trials. He reveals that many trials are poorly designed, with results often skewed in favor of the drug being tested. This is a must-read for anyone interested in the pharmaceutical industry.
Goldacre digs into the influence of big pharmaceutical companies on doctors and medical education. He shows how these companies often fund studies and education programs, leading to a potential bias in the information doctors receive. This book will make you question what you thought you knew about the medical industry.
Bad Pharma emphasizes the need for transparency in the pharmaceutical industry. Goldacre argues that all clinical trial data should be publicly available to ensure that decisions about healthcare are based on the best possible evidence. If you're passionate about healthcare reform, you'll want to check this out.
Goldacre takes a hard look at the role of regulators in the pharmaceutical industry. He suggests that they often fail to adequately protect patients from harmful drugs. This book will open your eyes to the need for stronger regulation in the industry.
In Bad Pharma, Goldacre encourages patients to be more informed about their medications. He believes that patients should have access to all the information about a drug, not just what the pharmaceutical companies want them to see. This book will inspire you to take control of your health and ask more questions about your medications.
Quotes 5
Bad Pharma is a must-read. It's a riveting exploration of the pharmaceutical industry's flaws and the need for transparency.

Bad Pharma is a powerful and eye-opening expose. It's a deep dive into the pharmaceutical industry's dark side.

Bad Pharma is a compelling and thought-provoking read. It's a critical examination of the pharmaceutical industry's practices.

Bad Pharma is a crucial book. It's a revealing investigation into the pharmaceutical industry's hidden truths.

Bad Pharma is an essential read. It's a critical analysis of the pharmaceutical industry's shortcomings.