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Andrew Carnegie
878 pages, 2007
This lavish, oversize book makes a wonderful addition to any library and is a treasure for book collectors and bibliophiles. David Nasaw—the acclaimed, prize-winning biographer of William Randolph Hearst and Andrew Carnegie—has crafted an engrossing portrait of one of the most famous men in American history.
This definitive, heavily illustrated biography is printed on fine paper with a handsome cloth cover, making it the perfect gift.
In the book Andrew Carnegie by David Nasaw, you'll see how Carnegie, a poor immigrant from Scotland, became one of the wealthiest men in America. His story is a testament to the power of hard work and determination.
Carnegie believed in giving back to society. He donated most of his wealth to establish libraries, schools, and universities. This book will inspire you to look into the importance of philanthropy and how it can make a difference.
Carnegie faced numerous challenges on his journey to success. However, he never gave up. This book will encourage you to explore the power of persistence in overcoming obstacles.
David Nasaw paints a vivid picture of how Carnegie revolutionized the steel industry. His innovative methods and business strategies are worth researching for anyone interested in entrepreneurship and industrial history.
While Carnegie's success story is inspiring, it's not without controversy. He was often criticized for his ruthless business tactics and labor practices. This book encourages you to dig deeper into the ethical dilemmas of business and success.
Quotes 5
A fascinating book about a man who had a profound impact on the world, by an author who clearly knows his subject well.

A thoroughly researched and well-written biography of one of America's most influential businessmen.

A compelling read about a man who changed the world in more ways than one.

A must-read for anyone interested in understanding the roots of modern business and philanthropy.

A captivating story about a man who built an empire and then gave it all away.