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Amazing Things Will Happen

208 pages, 2012


In Amazing Things, Will Happen, author and motivational speaker Shawn Askinosie describes how to achieve success in all aspects of life through hard work and acts of kindness. In five parts, he details how to begin the self-improvement journey. Part 1, "Define Your Destination," explains how to cope with the situation you are currently in, and how to make the most of it until you can break free. 

Part 2, "Evaluate Your Current Situation and Map Out the Course You Might Take," suggests exercises and practices that can help define your goals and how to set realistic tasks to reach them. In part 3, "Navigate the Seas of Doubters and Obstacles to Get Where You Want To Go," he helps you navigate the seas of doubters and obstacles to get to where you want to be. 

Also includes a helpful review of your efforts thus far, so that your accomplishments are not forgotten. Part 4, "Be Worthy of Excellence: Enlist Help and Give Help When Needed," helps you ensure that you help others, once you have reached your goals. And finally, in part 5, "Help Shape Our World: Live Up To Your Highest Vision for Yourself," each of us has different goals.

Embrace the Power of Positivity

C.C. Chapman emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive outlook. He believes that when you radiate positivity, amazing things will happen. So, take a look at your attitude and see if there's room for a little more sunshine.

Set Clear Goals

Chapman encourages readers to set clear, achievable goals. He suggests that you should not only dream big but also break down your dreams into manageable steps. So, start setting your goals and see how it changes your life.

Take Action

It's not enough to just dream and set goals. Chapman insists that you must take action. He encourages readers to not wait for opportunities but to create them. So, get up and start doing something towards your goals.

Value Relationships

In Amazing Things Will Happen, the importance of relationships is highlighted. Chapman believes that the connections we make with others are invaluable. So, take some time to nurture your relationships and see how they enrich your life.

Embrace Change

Change is inevitable and Chapman encourages readers to embrace it. He believes that change can lead to amazing things if we are open to it. So, don't be afraid of change, instead, explore it and see where it leads you.

Quotes 5

C.C. Chapman's 'Amazing Things Will Happen' is a roadmap to success, filled with inspiration and insights that will change your life.

Chris BroganChris Brogan - Marketing Guru

Chapman's book is a powerful guide to living a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and meaningful.

Ann HandleyAnn Handley - Content Marketing Expert

'Amazing Things Will Happen' is a transformative book that will inspire you to pursue your dreams and live a life of purpose.

Mitch JoelMitch Joel - Digital Marketing Specialist

Chapman's book is a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a future where amazing things are not just possible, but inevitable.

Julien SmithJulien Smith - Bestselling Author

C.C. Chapman's 'Amazing Things Will Happen' is a testament to the power of dreams and the limitless potential of the human spirit.

Brian SolisBrian Solis - Digital Analyst
Chris BroganAnn HandleyMitch JoelJulien SmithBrian Solis


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