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Altered States of Consciousness

589 pages, 1972


The study of the nature of human consciousness, a dormant and often taboo topic in psychology, is once again being developed into a rich area for scientific inquiry. 

This is the first book to afford readers the opportunity to explore a wide range of special states of consciousness, both natural and induced with the aid of drugs, yoga, and hypnosis. 

An impressive selection of contributors makes this volume an authoritative source on what is arguably one of the greatest mysteries of life.

Understanding Altered States

Charles T. Tart's book, Altered States of Consciousness, explores the concept of altered states, such as dreaming, meditation, and drug-induced experiences. He suggests that these states can provide valuable insights into the human mind and consciousness.

Scientific Approach to Consciousness

Tart takes a scientific approach to studying consciousness. He believes that by researching and understanding altered states, we can gain a deeper understanding of the human mind and its potential. This book encourages readers to look into the science behind consciousness.

The Role of Culture and Belief Systems

The book also delves into how culture and belief systems can influence our experiences of altered states. Tart suggests that our cultural background and personal beliefs can shape how we perceive and interpret these states. It's a fascinating look into the intersection of psychology and sociology.

Practical Applications of Altered States

Tart doesn't just explore altered states for the sake of knowledge. He also discusses their practical applications, such as in therapy and personal growth. If you're interested in how altered states can be used to improve your life, this book is a must-read.

Critique of Traditional Psychology

Altered States of Consciousness also serves as a critique of traditional psychology. Tart argues that mainstream psychology often ignores or dismisses altered states, despite their potential for providing insights into the human mind. This book challenges readers to question and rethink their understanding of consciousness.

Quotes 5

Tart's 'Altered States of Consciousness' is a profound exploration into the human mind, a must-read for anyone interested in understanding consciousness.

Timothy LearyTimothy Leary - Psychologist, Writer

Charles Tart's work is a significant contribution to our understanding of the various states of consciousness.

Aldous HuxleyAldous Huxley - Author, Philosopher

Tart's 'Altered States of Consciousness' is a groundbreaking book that opens up new dimensions of understanding the mind.

Ram DassRam Dass - Spiritual Teacher

Charles Tart's 'Altered States of Consciousness' is a pioneering work that expands our knowledge of the human psyche.

Stanislav GrofStanislav Grof - Psychiatrist, Researcher

Tart's 'Altered States of Consciousness' is a remarkable book that delves deep into the mysteries of the mind.

Alan WattsAlan Watts - Philosopher, Writer
Timothy LearyAldous HuxleyRam DassStanislav GrofAlan Watts


Paul Stamets, educator and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Paul Stamets


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