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Accidental Presidents

528 pages, 2020


Eight men succeeded in the presidency when the incumbent died in office. In one way or another, they vastly changed our history. Only Theodore Roosevelt would have been elected in his own right. 

Only TR, Truman, Coolidge, and LBJ were re-elected. John Tyler succeeded William Henry Harrison who died 30 days into his term. He was kicked out of his party and became the first president threatened with impeachment. 

Millard Fillmore succeeded esteemed General Zachary Taylor. He immediately sacked the entire cabinet and delayed an inevitable Civil War by standing with Henry Clay’s compromise of 1850.

The Impact of Unexpected Leadership

In Accidental Presidents, Jared Cohen explores the impact of vice presidents who suddenly found themselves in the top job. He shows us that these unexpected leaders often had a significant influence on American history, even though they weren't initially chosen for the role.

The Importance of Vice Presidents

Cohen's research in Accidental Presidents makes it clear that we should never underestimate the role of a vice president. They're not just a backup; they can end up leading the country. This book will make you see the importance of every political role, no matter how small it may seem.

The Power of Adaptability

Accidental Presidents is a great reminder of how important it is to be adaptable. These vice presidents didn't expect to take on the presidency, but when they did, they had to step up and adapt to the new role. It's a lesson we can all learn from - life can throw unexpected challenges at us, and we need to be ready to handle them.

The Influence of Unplanned Events

Cohen's book shows us that unplanned events can have a huge impact on history. The sudden death of a president can change the course of a nation. It's a fascinating look into how unpredictable life can be, and how we can never truly predict what's around the corner.

The Strength of the Human Spirit

In Accidental Presidents, you'll find inspiring stories of individuals who were thrust into a role they didn't ask for, but rose to the occasion nonetheless. It's a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the ability to overcome adversity. If you're looking for a book that will inspire you to face challenges head-on, this is it.

Quotes 5

Accidental Presidents adds a new dimension to our understanding of the American presidency.

Bill ClintonBill Clinton - 42nd U.S. President

Jared Cohen’s Accidental Presidents is a superbly researched and brilliantly written book that is both a gripping narrative and a serious historical study.

Madeleine AlbrightMadeleine Albright - Former U.S. Secretary

Jared Cohen’s Accidental Presidents is a compelling and insightful journey through the vagaries of chance that have helped to shape our republic.

Walter IsaacsonWalter Isaacson - American Biographer

Accidental Presidents is a timely and fascinating look at the men who came to the presidency through the back door and how their leadership influenced history.

Henry KissingerHenry Kissinger - Political Scientist

Accidental Presidents is a thought-provoking study of the unexpected ascension to the presidency and the impact of these leaders on our history.

Condoleezza RiceCondoleezza Rice - Political Scientist
Bill ClintonMadeleine AlbrightWalter IsaacsonHenry KissingerCondoleezza Rice


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Ashton Kutcher

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