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About Face
875 pages, 1990
This bestselling memoir is a vivid portrait of lifelong patriotism. David Hackworth has written what many Vietnam veterans have called the most important book of their generation.
From Korea to Berlin and the Cuban missile crisis, his story follows that of an exemplary patriot, played out against the backdrop of changing fortunes in America and the American military.
Also included are stunning indictments of the Pentagon’s fundamental misunderstanding of the Vietnam conflict and the bureaucracy of self-interest that fueled it.
In About Face, David H. Hackworth emphasizes the crucial role of leadership in the military. He believes that a good leader can make a significant difference in the outcome of any battle. So, if you're in a leadership position or aspire to be, this book will give you valuable insights.
Hackworth doesn't sugarcoat the realities of war. He shares his experiences and observations in a raw and honest way. If you're interested in understanding the true nature of war, this book will give you a firsthand account.
David H. Hackworth's book About Face is a testament to the value of experience. He shares his journey from a young, inexperienced soldier to a seasoned and respected military leader. This book will inspire you to value your own experiences and learn from them.
Hackworth is not shy about pointing out the flaws in the military system. He argues for the need for reform and offers practical solutions. If you're interested in military reform or just want to see how systems can be improved, you should definitely check out this book.
Throughout About Face, Hackworth shows how resilience can help overcome even the most challenging situations. His stories of survival and success in the face of adversity are truly inspiring. If you're going through a tough time, this book might just give you the strength to keep going.
Quotes 5
About Face is a compelling chronicle of courage, commitment and undying patriotism. Hackworth's story is a must-read for every patriot.

About Face is a testament to the valor and determination of an extraordinary soldier. Hackworth's story is a wake-up call for America.

About Face is a raw, honest account of a soldier's journey. It's a powerful narrative that demands attention.

About Face is a riveting tale of courage and honor. Hackworth's story is a reminder of the sacrifices made for our freedom.

About Face is a powerful narrative of a soldier's life. Hackworth's story is a testament to the strength and resilience of our military.

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