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A Technique for Producing Ideas

31 pages, 2019


Since its publication in 1965, A Technique for Producing Ideas has helped thousands of advertising copywriters smash through internal barriers to unleash their creativity. 

Professionals from poets and painters to scientists and engineers have also used the techniques in this concise, powerful book to generate exciting ideas on demand, at any time, on any subject. Now let James Webb Young's unique insights help you tap into your own creativity.

The Importance of Gathering Raw Material

In 'A Technique for Producing Ideas', James Webb Young emphasizes the importance of gathering raw material for idea generation. He suggests that you should explore different fields, experiences, and disciplines to gather diverse and rich material. This process is crucial for sparking new and innovative ideas.

The Incubation Process

Young explains that after gathering your material, you need to let it 'incubate'. This means you should take a break and let your subconscious mind do the work. It's during this time that connections between the raw materials start to form, leading to the birth of new ideas.

The Eureka Moment

According to Young, the 'Eureka' moment, when an idea suddenly comes to you, often happens when you least expect it. This is why it's important to give your mind some rest after the incubation process. So, don't stress if the idea doesn't come immediately, it might just be around the corner.

Refining and Testing Your Ideas

Once you have your idea, it's time to refine and test it. Young suggests that you should look at it critically, check its validity and applicability. This step is crucial to ensure that your idea is not only innovative but also practical and useful.

The Habit of Producing Ideas

The author believes that producing ideas is a habit that can be developed and improved over time. He encourages readers to continuously practice the process of gathering material, incubating, experiencing the 'Eureka' moment, and refining ideas. This way, you'll find that generating ideas becomes easier and more natural.

Quotes 5

James Webb Young's book is a must-read for anyone who seeks to ignite their creative spark. It's a timeless guide to the process of idea generation.

David OgilvyDavid Ogilvy - Advertising Tycoon

Young's book is a treasure trove of wisdom on the art of creating ideas. It's a classic that should be on every creative person's bookshelf.

Bill BernbachBill Bernbach - Creative Revolution

James Webb Young's book is a masterclass in idea generation. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to unlock their creative potential.

Leo BurnettLeo Burnett - Advertising Pioneer

Young's book is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to generate ideas. It's a timeless classic that continues to inspire creatives around the world.

George LoisGeorge Lois - Art Director

James Webb Young's book is a brilliant guide to the process of idea generation. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to unlock their creative potential.

Mary Wells LawrenceMary Wells Lawrence - Advertising Executive
David OgilvyBill BernbachLeo BurnettGeorge LoisMary Wells Lawrence


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