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A Feast of Snakes

192 pages, 1998


From the acclaimed author of such novels as "Blood and Grits" and "Childhood" comes a wildly weird and breathtakingly original visit to the rural South that reveals the exotic subculture that erupts in all its glory at the Rattlesnake Roundup in Mystic, Georgia. 

"No number of adjectives in the thesaurus can do full justice to the dazzlingly bizarre nature of Crews' creations"-- "Washington Post Book World".

The Brutality of Life

Harry Crews paints a vivid picture of the harsh realities of life in a small, poverty-stricken town. He doesn't shy away from showing the brutality and violence that can exist in such places. It's a reminder that not everyone's life is easy, and it's worth exploring these darker aspects of humanity.

The Power of Desperation

The characters in A Feast of Snakes are driven by desperation. They're stuck in a cycle of poverty and hopelessness, and their actions are often extreme as a result. This book shows how desperation can push people to their limits, and it's a powerful exploration of human nature.

The Importance of Empathy

Despite the harsh realities depicted in the book, Harry Crews also emphasizes the importance of empathy. Even in the most difficult circumstances, the characters show moments of compassion and understanding. It's a reminder to always try to see things from other people's perspectives.

The Struggle Against Fate

A Feast of Snakes is a story about people trying to fight against their fate. The characters are trapped in their circumstances, but they still strive for something better. It's a testament to the human spirit and the desire to improve one's life, no matter how difficult the circumstances.

The Impact of Environment

The book shows how the environment can shape a person's life. The characters are products of their surroundings, and their actions are heavily influenced by their environment. It's a reminder to consider how our own environments affect us, and how we can make positive changes in our lives.


Quotes 5

A Feast of Snakes by Harry Crews is a novel that will leave you breathless and in awe of its raw and unflinching examination of human nature.

Stephen KingStephen King - Horror Fiction Author

Harry Crews' A Feast of Snakes is a powerful exploration of the human condition, a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page.

Joyce Carol OatesJoyce Carol Oates - Prolific American Author

A Feast of Snakes is a masterful work of fiction, a testament to Harry Crews' unparalleled storytelling ability.

John IrvingJohn Irving - Novelist, Screenwriter

Harry Crews' A Feast of Snakes is a haunting and visceral exploration of the darker side of humanity.

Donna TarttDonna Tartt - Pulitzer Prize Novelist

A Feast of Snakes is a brutal and unflinching look at the human condition, a testament to Harry Crews' skill as a writer.

Cormac McCarthyCormac McCarthy - Literary Fiction Writer
Stephen KingJoyce Carol OatesJohn IrvingDonna TarttCormac McCarthy


Cal Fussman, journalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Cal Fussman
