Discover the Best Books Written by Paul McGowan
Amazon Best Selling author, Paul McGowan, is the founder and CEO of PS Audio, a US-based leader in consumer audio. Best known by his thousands of YouTube viewers and customers as the go-to guy for home audio, his frank and unfiltered advice on all things music has made him a fixture of the audiophile community.
He was born in 1948 and grew up amongst the orange groves of Southern California. His was a rough start. As a teenager, he was always running from something: the law, the Feds, the draft. The flight took him over the border to Tijuana for contraband, inside a county jail, into the hands of the Secret Service, and onto the streets of Haight-Ashbury. He visited the armpit of Munich and the shame of bankruptcy court, nearly succeeding at just about everything he tried until his efforts finally paid off.
He remains a passionate entrepreneur and futurist engaged in reshaping and modernizing the Consumer Electronics Industry and helping solve the planet's climate crisis.