Discover the Best Books Written by Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos is a New York Times-bestselling author, an award-winning reporter, an international political celebrity, a hair icon, a penitent, and, to the annoyance of his many enemies, an exceedingly happy person. He is the most censored, most lied-about man in the world, banned from stepping foot on entire continents for his unapologetic commitment to free expression.
He is also one of the most sought-after speakers anywhere, invited by foreign governments, wealthy individuals, and even the occasional courageous private company to share his unique blend of laughter and war. Milo lurches from improbable triumph to improbable triumph, loathed by Establishment Left and Right alike. His first book, Dangerous, sold over 200,000 copies, despite never being reviewed in any major publication.
Milo hosts a Friday night chat show on Censored.TV, which he describes as “a weekly late-night extravaganza of righteous indignation and casual cruelty.” Milo Yiannopoulos (born on 18 October 1984)is a British journalist, author, entrepreneur, public speaker, and former senior editor for Breitbart News. He wrote previously using the pseudonym, Milo Andreas Wagner.
Yiannopoulos founded The Kernel, an online tabloid magazine about technology, which he sold to Daily Dot Media in 2014. He wrote about the Gamergate controversy. As a self-proclaimed "cultural libertarian" and "free speech fundamentalist," he is a vocal critic of fourth-wave feminism, Islam, social justice, political correctness, and other movements and ideologies he deems authoritarian or belonging to the "regressive left."
Yiannopoulos considers himself a reporter of and "occasional fellow traveler" with the alt-right movement. He was permanently banned from Twitter in July 2016 for what the company cited as "inciting or engaging in the targeted abuse or harassment of others." He resigned from Breitbart after a video of him allegedly defending sexual relationships between boys as young as 13 and gay men in their 20s resurfaced
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