Kimberly King, Recommending BestBooksauthor

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A survivor of sexual assault turned advocate and educator- As a freshman in college, Kimberly started her work with sexual abuse prevention as a women’s health Peer Counselor and Human Sexuality teaching assistant to the renowned Dr. Sandra Caron. But after more than a decade of teaching kindergarten and proactive momming, her son had a body safety scare with a friend, triggering a shift. She realized she wanted to take the scare out of sexual abuse prevention.

I Said No! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private was created to solve problems and protect children. Now, Kimberly helps parents, and all who care for kids, learn to talk about body safety easily to prevent abuse and protect their kids. 

Her work has been featured in various magazines, podcasts, and blogs, including; ABC, NBC, NBC, Capeless Hero, Ticker News, The Chicago Tribune, Women’s Fitness, Child Mind Institute, Social Work Now, US News and World Report, The Health Journal, Modern Mom, PopSugar, Child Life Mom, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Thrive Global, Medium, Yahoo News, Hollywood Entertainment, NY Post, and Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine.

Podcasts: The Mom Room, Dad's Divorce, MomTalks, Split, Consent Parenting, Pretty Wellness Podcast, Shock Your Potential, I Heart Radio, Hearts Happiness Podcast, and it is highly recommended as a resource by national prevention organizations.

Best author’s book


I Said No!

Jocko Willink