Discover the Best Books Written by Harry H. Harrison Jr
Harry H Harrison Jr. is a writer with over four million books in print. He has been interviewed on over twenty-three television programs and is the subject of two documentaries. He has been featured on over 50 local and syndicated radio programs coast to coast. His books have been listed on the New York Times and Book Sense's list of best-selling non-fiction trade paperback books for ten years. They are also available in some thirty foreign countries throughout Western Europe, Norway, South America, China, and in the Far East.
Harry's first book for parents, Father to Son, Life Lessons on Raising a Boy, has sold more than 1,000,000 copies and continues to be one of the best-selling books on raising boys in the country. It has been entering its 33 printing since its release in April 2000. His second book, Father to Daughter, hit the New York Times Best Seller list in 2003 and has grown in sales every year. It topped the Book Sense Parenting Best Seller list for months and continues to be a Book Sense favorite to this day.
It has sold over 850,000 copies and is entering its 19th printing since 2003. Thomas Nelson Publishers launched Harry Harrison's seven-book 1001 Series in 2007. Two of these books, 1001 Things Every Teen Should Know Before They Leave Home (Or Else They'll Come Back) (http://www.1001thingseveryteenshouldknow.com) and 1001 Things Every College Student needs to Know (Like Buying Your Books Before Exams Start) were featured on THINK, an NPR production out of Dallas. Harry's books are available from Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon, Hallmark, Bed, Beth Beyond, and thousands of independent bookstores around the country.
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