Discover the Best Books Written by Ben Garrod
Ben Garrod is a Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Science Engagement at the University of East Anglia. He broadcasts regularly on TV and radio and is a trustee and ambassador of a number of key conservation organizations. His previous books include So You Think You Know About... Dinosaurs? and The Chimpanzee and Me, published by Zephyr.
Garrod attended Anglia Ruskin University, where he completed his BSc (Hons) in Animal Behaviour in 2005. He completed an MSc in Wild Animal Biology at the Royal Veterinary College. Garrod completed a doctorate at the University College London and the Zoological Society of London. His thesis focused on the evolution of monkeys in tropical islands and was titled "Primates of the Caribbean." He has published on primate pathology and osteoarchaeology.
Garrod spent several years in western Uganda working on the development and management of a leading field site for chimpanzee conservation with the Jane Goodall Institute, where among other things, he was responsible for habituating wild chimpanzees. He has also worked in Southeast Asia for an orangutan conservation organization, in Madagascar studying marine life, and in the Caribbean studying introduced monkeys.
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