Pieter Levels, designer and entrepreneur and technology, Recommending BestBooks

Top Book Recommendations by Pieter Levels: Best Books for Success


Pieter Levels is a Dutch programmer, designer, and entrepreneur. He is the maker of Nomad List, Remote OK, and Hoodmaps. Levels is a digital nomad making about $2.9m a year from his products as of July 2022. He taught himself to code and has an unconventional philosophy that annoys some developers but produces results. Pieter defied the critics and built Nomad List and Remote OK into successful businesses without cutting-edge tools like React or other modern frameworks.

Pieter is a self-taught developer from The Netherlands. He has an MBA but no coding qualifications. His age is 36. As we will see in today's article, he has a rough and ready approach to coding, but it pays off handsomely. His two main products are his Nomad List directory of places for digital nomads to live and his Remote OK job board. Pieter is active on Twitter and has a very strong following there.

As he works for himself, he can travel extensively and live where he chooses. Although, rather than the common misconception of digital nomads being constantly on the move, Pieter recommends spending a few months in each place to avoid travel burnout.