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The Passion Test

320 pages, 2008



909 books

Is it possible for a simple test to transfigure someone's life? Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have inspired thousands of people to transfigure their lives by uncovering their heartstrings and living according to what matters most to them through their New York Times bestseller The Passion Test.

 By completing the Test, compendiums may determine their top five interests, and also discover how to match their lives with their precedence by following Attwood's simple step – by- step action plan. 

Discover Your Passions

Chris Attwood's The Passion Test encourages readers to explore their deepest desires and passions. He believes that identifying these passions is the first step towards a fulfilling life. So, take a look into your heart and find what truly moves you.

Prioritize Your Passions

Once you've identified your passions, the next step is to prioritize them. The Passion Test provides a simple yet effective method to rank your passions in order of importance. This will help you focus on what really matters to you.

Turn Passions into Reality

Attwood doesn't just help you discover your passions, he also guides you on how to turn them into reality. He provides practical steps and strategies to help you align your life with your passions. So, get ready to see your dreams come to life.

Overcome Obstacles

Life isn't always smooth sailing, and The Passion Test acknowledges this. It provides insights on how to overcome obstacles and challenges that may come your way. So, don't let hurdles stop you from pursuing your passions.

Live a Passionate Life

The Passion Test is more than just a book, it's a guide to living a passionate life. It encourages readers to not just dream, but to take action. So, if you're ready to live a life filled with passion and purpose, check out The Passion Test by Chris Attwood.

Quotes 3

The Passion Test provides the simplest, clearest way to get started on knowing what you want—by getting clear on who you are.

Jack CanfieldJack Canfield - Motivational Speaker

The Passion Test is a simple, yet powerful way to clarify your life's true purpose.

Stephen M.R. CoveyStephen M.R. Covey - Leadership Expert

The Passion Test offers a practical tool for setting one's life direction.

Michael Bernard BeckwithMichael Bernard Beckwith - New Thought Minister
Jack CanfieldStephen M.R. CoveyMichael Bernard Beckwith



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310 books

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